Washington Publishers

Tallahassee Florida


January 17, 2006

John Rosemond, The Parenting Expert, Becomes Washington Publishers' Newest Columnist

John Rosemond has worked with families, children, and parents since 1971 in the field of family psychology. In 1971, John earned his masters in psychology from Western Illinois University and was elected to the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society. In 1999, his alma mater conferred upon John the Distinguished Alumni Award, given only once per year. Upon acceptance, he gave the commencement address.

Presently, his time is devoted to speaking and writing. John is syndicated in approximately 225 newspapers nationwide. He has written eleven best-selling parenting books. He is also one of America's busiest and most popular speakers and most certainly the busiest and most popular in his field.

John Rosemond answers your questions on parenting.

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