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Tallahassee Florida


Razor Gator's Limoncello Recipe

750 cc bottle of Everclear Grain Alcohol (160 proof)
10 Large Lemons-uncut
1000 cc of water (about 1 quart)
1 kilogram of sugar/granulated sugar/table sugar–(about 2 pounds)


Razor Gator's Limoncello Recipe

Wash lemons well and carefully, using a vegetable brush if you have one on hand. This removes dirt and residual wax that may exist on the lemons skin. Peel the lemons, removing only the outer yellow rind (called the “zest” of the lemon rind). Do this with a peeling tool makes it easier and less dangerous than using a knife. Try not to get the white pith with the rind/zest.

Limoncello Recipe

Pile up all the rind/zest into a 2-liter glass pitcher (do not use plastic). Add the grain alcohol.
Cover the pitcher tightly with saran wrap, then aluminum foil to secure top.


Every day, swirl the container for seven seconds (to swirl its contents). The alcohol should be getting yellower each day. Do this for seven days. Now, strain out the peels from the yellow alcohol and discard the peel. Save the yellow alcohol, of course. Return this to the glass pitcher.

On day seven, make a simple syrup by adding water into a saucepan and heating almost to a boil. Then add the sugar, stirring with a wooden spoon, until all the sugar is dissolved. Simmer with the cover on for 10 to 12 minutes. Do not let this boil or overheat or you will get a burnt taste. Now cool the sugar syrup to room temperature. Add this to the glass pitcher full of yellow alcohol. Note: the ratio of mixture of liquids is 1 : 1.5 of Yellow Alcohol to Sugar Syrup, but this can be varied somewhat to taste.

Razor Gator

Glass bottles are available in 12 oz. size at any home brew store. You’ll also need re-corkable stoppers. Label bottles first, then wrap clear cellophane packing tape over label. Pour limoncello into bottles. Set into freezer, along with shot glasses.

When sipped ice-cold from a frozen shot glass, your limoncello should be smooth and lemony yet spread warmth deep inside.

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